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What is the ratio of two-component silicone gel to curing agent

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We all know that two-component silicone is composed of silicone and curing agent. In order to cure silicone, a certain proportion of curing agent must be added. So, what is the correct ratio of liquid silicone and curing agent

According to the type of two-component liquid silicone, it is divided into additive liquid silicone and condensation liquid silicone, and the ratio of different types of silicone is also different.

1、 The ratio of condensed silicone gel to curing agent is as follows:
1. The dosage of curing agent is 1.5%, and the colloid is still flowing after 2.5 hours. It can be demolded after 10-12 hours.
2. The curing agent dosage is 2%, and it will still flow after 20-30 minutes. It can be demolded after 2-3 hours.
3. The dosage of curing agent is 3%, and the colloid is still flowing for 28-30 minutes. It can be demolded in 1.5-2 hours.
4. The dosage of curing agent is 4%, and the colloid is still flowing for 10-15 minutes. It can be demolded in 1-1.5 hours.

2、 The ratio of additive silicone to curing agent is as follows:
1. Translucent silicone, with a 1:1 weight ratio of silicone to curing agent.
2. Highly transparent silicone, with a weight ratio of 10:1 between silicone and curing agent.


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