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Method for adjusting the hardness of liquid silicone

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Method for adjusting the hardness of liquid silicone

The adjustment of the viscosity of liquid silicone requires the dilution of silicone oil, in order to transition from high viscosity silicone to low viscosity; Its main form of expression is liquidity. The better the fluidity, the lower the viscosity; on the contrary, the worse the fluidity, the higher the viscosity. So, what method is needed for adjusting the hardness of liquid silicone?

The hardness adjustment of liquid silicone is similar to the viscosity adjustment method, and both require the assistance of silicone oil to achieve the goal of reduction.

When general liquid silicone is finished, its hardness has already been determined and remains unchanged; But as time goes by and the water evaporates, its viscosity will transition from low to high. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to dilute the silicone oil (it is necessary to control the amount of silicone oil reasonably, as too much or too little cannot meet the change requirements), in order to reduce viscosity and increase fluidity. In this case, silicone oil can also have another effect, which is the reduction of hardness. According to calculations, the proportion of silicone oil added and the proportion of silicone oil added. After mixing the two, stir them with a mixer. After uniform stirring, the hardness will decrease, thus meeting the personalized needs of customers.

For example, the customer requires 18 degrees and 13 degrees, and the engineer provides the ratio of silicone and silicone oil. A total of 25kg, 20.5kg silicone, 4.5kg silicone oil added, stirred evenly to obtain a liquid silicone with a hardness of 18 degrees; There are differences in the hardness adjustment methods for each type of liquid silicone, and only after calculation can the desired hardness be obtained.

The hardness of liquid silicone can be changed, but it is not a simple ratio and requires complex calculations to reach a conclusion. Do not blindly try without knowing how to mix.


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