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What is platinum? And the application of platinum in the silicone industry?

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What is platinum

Platinum is the English word for Platinum and the chemical symbol is Pt. Platinum is more expensive than gold because of its excellent natural properties and rare reserves in nature, which is not easy to mine.

Platinum features

1, excellent physical properties, with silvery white luster and very high melting point, up to 1773℃.

2. The density is very high, 21.4 g/cm.

3, chemical stability, it is not easy to react with other substances.

4. Large resistivity.

The application of platinum in silicone industry

Due to its high resistance, high melting point and good ductility, platinum is often used as electrode and electric contact point in special electric fusion. In the silicone industry, some catalysts will also add platinum, that is, we often say platinum catalyst, widely used in the electronic industry electronic potting adhesive.

However, electronic potting glue is easy to be poisoned (not cured) in the process of use. Silicone potting glue is a relatively environmental friendly potting glue. Platinum curing agent is relatively active, easy to react with other impurities and cause poisoning. This needs to strengthen the adhesive quality control, improve the anti-toxicity of the colloid, maintain a stable curing ability, but also need to have a certain bonding ability.


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