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The Application of Conductive Silicone Products in the Electronic Sector

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The Application of Conductive Silicone Products in the Electronic Sector

With the development of industrial production and scientific skills, new requests are constantly being made for conductive silicone materials. In the field of electronic and electrical appliances, due to the rapid development of integration and assembly skills, electronic components and logic circuits are being developed in the direction of light, thin, and small, and heat generation is also increasing. Then, high thermal insulation materials are needed to effectively remove the heat generated by electronic equipment, which is related to the service life and reliability of product quality. The traditional method of handling heat dissipation in electronic devices is to place an insulating medium between the heating body and the heat dissipation body as thermal conductivity material, such as mica, polytetrafluoroethylene, and beryllium oxide ceramics. This method has certain effects, but it has defects such as poor thermal conductivity, low mechanical function, and high quotation. At present, some electronic equipment heat dissipation is processed through various forms of heat sinks, but most of them need to be processed through thermal conductivity data. Thermal conductivity silicone data is the most important component of thermal conductivity data. This article will focus on proposing the application of thermal conductive paste and thermal conductive silicone sheets to provide thermal conduction treatment solutions for electronic devices. Thermal conductive silicone rubber material is a typical polymer composite material, whose thermal conductivity is mainly determined by the type of thermal conductive filler and the dispersion of thermal conductive filler in the silicone rubber matrix. Thermal conductive filler is divided into metal filler and inorganic non-metallic filler, and the thermal conductivity mechanism of each filler is different, which determines the difference in thermal conductivity or thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductive paste is a mechanical mixture of silicone oil and thermal conductive filler, which has the characteristics of being ready to shape, high thermal conductivity, non curing, and non corrosive to interface data. In electronic devices, there are many contact and installation surfaces between various electronic components, and there are gaps between them, resulting in poor heating flow. To address this issue, thermal conductive paste is usually filled between the contact surfaces, and the activity of thermal conductive paste is used to sweep air between the interfaces, reduce or even eliminate thermal resistance.

Thermal conductive silicone sheet is a sheet shaped thermal conductive insulating silicone rubber material processed through a special production process. It has the characteristics of natural viscosity, high thermal conductivity, high compression resistance, high buffering, etc. It is mainly used for filling gaps between heating equipment, heat dissipation fins, and casings. Due to its soft material and elastic variable under low pressure force, it can be tightly touched on the surface of equipment or even on a rough surface structure, By reducing the air thermal impedance, it effectively handles defects such as silicone oil leakage and dust accumulation on the surface of thermal conductive silicon paste after high temperatures.


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