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Silicone oil is a colorless and odorless chemical substance with high stability and low surface tension.

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Firstly, silicone oil is widely used in the lubrication and waterproofing treatment of textiles. In the process of textile production, the friction between fibers can lead to fiber damage and wear, while the lubricating properties of silicone oil can reduce the friction between fibers, reduce fiber wear, and extend the service life of textiles. In addition, silicone oil can also provide waterproof effects for textiles, making them have better waterproof performance, enhancing their water resistance, and improving their value in humid environments.
In addition, silicone oil can also be used for anti-static treatment of textiles. During the production and use of textiles, the friction between fibers can generate static electricity, which brings inconvenience to people's lives and work. Silicone oil can effectively reduce the generation of static electricity on the surface of textiles, reduce the stimulation of static electricity on the human body, and improve the comfort and safety of textiles.
Overall, silicone oil is widely used in the textile industry, not only to improve the performance and quality of textiles, extend their service life, but also to bring better experiences to people's lives and work. With the continuous progress of technology, we believe that the application of silicone oil in the textile industry will continue to be expanded and innovated, bringing more convenience and comfort to our lives.


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