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Pure, highly cooled platinum group

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You know what? The first people to own platinum jewelry were King and Queen Louis XVI of France.

In 1780, a Paris craftsman made platinum rings, brooches and necklaces for them. I want to see what they look like haha! Soon, platinum gained a reputation, jumping directly above gold and becoming the darling of royalty, dignitaries and millionaires. That craze is no less than the previous one for gold.

But platinum is too rare, according to statistics the world's annual output of more than 3,500 tons of gold, and platinum only more than 160 tons. And the mineral distribution is extremely uneven, the main producing area is in a few countries such as South Africa. Platinum is also one of the least corroded metals and will not react with most chemicals even at high temperatures. Such characteristics, it is the most ideal precious metal materials for making jewelry, how can not be sought after by the jewelry industry?

It took nearly a century to find the rest of the family in the natural platinum ore. The reason it takes so much effort is because they are only a billion parts abundant in the earth's crust and are often mixed in with other metallic ores.

Because the platinum group as a whole was discovered relatively late, it is far less useful than gold and silver as jewelry, crafts and currency. However, it has been widely used in the field of modern science and cutting-edge technology and is regarded as a "pioneer material". One of the most important is the identity of its catalyst: platinum in hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, isomerization, cyclization, dehydration, dehalogenation, oxidation, pyrolysis and other chemical reactions can be used as a catalyst.

For example, the most common motor vehicle exhaust catalytic purification system can be applied to gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles, etc., the metal state of platinum can accelerate the decomposition of harmful components in the exhaust in the form of catalyst.

Platinum can be combined with cobalt to make strong magnets, making corrosion resistant chemical instruments; Even in medicine, platinum compounds such as cisplatin can be used in cancer chemotherapy, which is still under development.

Platinum is ranked in the periodic table of elements no. 78, looks so insignificant, but it contains huge energy, to the human society to bring a lot of good news!

Looking back on the discovery history of platinum, from being ignored, ignored and despised to being looked at, valued and looked up, platinum gradually bloomed its own dazzling luster. It really should be the sentence "gold will shine", after all, platinum elements than precious "gold and silver" is much more noble. I believe that in the future, it will definitely become a powerful tool for human beings to explore more cutting-edge fields.


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