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The main components of liquid silicone are liquid silica gel

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The main components of liquid silicone are liquid silica gel, various types of silica gel with different microporous structures, and silicone with different pore sizes. Liquid silica gel is a highly active adsorption material that is chemically stable, non-toxic, and odorless. It does not react with any substance except strong bases and hydrofluoric acid. Silica gel, in general, has high adsorption performance, good thermal stability, stable chemical properties, and high mechanical strength. Different types of silica gel, such as coarse porous, fine porous, and B-type, have different adsorption properties based on their pore structures. Coarse porous silica gel has a higher adsorption capacity under high relative humidity, while fine porous silica gel has a higher adsorption capacity under low relative humidity. B-type silica gel has a pore structure between coarse and fine porous silica gel. Macroporous silica gel is mainly used as a catalyst carrier, matting agent, and toothpaste abrasive. Liquid silicone is widely used in various industries, including drug purification, DNA separation, food drying, high-precision electronics, advanced cosmetics, sewage purification, beer purification, advanced coatings, and resin production or preservation.


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