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Liquid silicone and ordinary silicone,

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Liquid silicone and ordinary silicone, as two common adhesive materials, both have certain sturdy properties. However, there are some differences in the strength between liquid silicone and regular silicone.
Firstly, let's learn about liquid silicone. Liquid silicone is a transparent colloidal material polymerized from inorganic siloxanes. Due to its excellent high-temperature resistance, weather resistance, and chemical resistance, it has been widely used in the industrial field. The silicone layer formed by liquid silicone after solidification has high flexibility and elasticity, which can effectively prevent vibration and impact. However, the solidity of liquid silicone is relatively weak and is prone to tearing or stretching.
Compared to it, ordinary silicone is a solid colloidal material polymerized from organic silicon. The silicone layer formed by ordinary silicone after curing has high hardness and strength, which can effectively resist external pressure and impact. Ordinary silicone has relatively strong durability and is not easily torn or stretched.
Based on the above characteristics, we can conclude that ordinary silicone is relatively stronger. However, it is necessary to choose appropriate adhesive materials based on specific usage scenarios and needs. If you need a glue with good flexibility and elasticity, liquid silicone is a better choice; If you need a glue with high hardness and strength, regular silicone is more suitable.
In summary, there is a certain difference in the firmness performance between liquid silicone and regular silicone. Choosing the appropriate adhesive material requires consideration of specific usage requirements and scenarios to ensure optimal bonding and usage effects.

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